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Up-cycling is the art of turning something considered ‘waste’ into a ‘useful‘ product. The finished product is more functional and even more beautiful than it was before. Sounds amazing right? Yes, it does indeed. It might be a used plastic bottle that is reworked to make a planter or it might be some used diyas that have been reformed to give it a completely new look. According to us, ‘waste’ is just a perspective. Everything produced or manufactured has a life after its use and thinking creatively is what matters the most. Besides, up-cycling not only makes you a conscious customer but also reduces the impact created on the environment through making a new purchase.
Let’s have a look at some very exciting, engaging, and easy-to-implement DIY ideas for Up-cycling!
1. Used plastic bottles to Eco-dustbin

Find yourself fed up with the used plastic water bottles or soft-drink bottles lying around your home? We have just the right cure for you.

Viola! Make an eco-dustbin by up-cycling plastic bottles. Interestingly, you need only three things to make it- plastic bottles, plastic cables, and cardboard. Watch the full step-by-step tutorial on how to make the dustbin from scratch.
2. USED plastic containers to funky planters

Ah, yet another cure for the sneaky plastics. Transform them into useful and purposeful planters to grow your favorite saplings. The catch is, that you can keep these planters outside or even inside your home to give that ‘wow’ look.

Funky enough for you? Well, it certainly is a very quick and easy way to repurpose the plastic containers that are probably resting their arses in some corner of our homes. All it needs is a bit of creativity and effort. Head out to see this video for an explanatory tutorial.
3. UPCYCLING plastic crates to a shelf

Plastic Crates, when in one piece, act as a savior for carrying all your groceries at the supermarket but once it breaks, people usually discard them away. Surprisingly, there is a way of up-cycling these multi-utility crates.

Amazing right? The crates just need to be assembled in the right way and there, you have your perfect shelf. We can also design wall shelves in a similar way. Yes, both of them certainly require time, effort, and commitment, but you won’t regret the end result. See the full video on how to make the shelf !
4. CLOTH Bags from used clothes

Ever wondered what to do with the t-shirts and lowers lying in your wardrobe waiting for you to adorn them on a ‘special occasion’ which (by the way) never comes. They’re tired of waiting, so it’s time you put them to some use.

Stitching together the cloth pieces to make a cloth bag, that’s right. Seems awesome. doesn’t it? All it requires is a little bit of patience and a little bit of stitching- yeah we know it’s a bit of hard work- but what matters is the beautiful bag that would be brought into life by the old clothes. See the DIY Cloth Bag from Old T-Shirt for more!
5. TURNING tennis/Badminton racquet to mirror

Have some broken tennis or badminton racquets that are catching dust in some corner of your home? We have just the right idea for it.

It might seem impossible but actually it isn’t. These DIY racquet mirrors are easy to make and all you need is a glass piece that fits the dimension of the oval frame. That issue can certainly be resolved using a measuring tape, right? Go flex the racquet mirrors to your friends now!
6. SUITCASE shelf/rack in Room

We use suitcases to carry our belongings whenever we travel. What if we told you there’s another way of utilising the suitcase?

The old suitcases which you don’t use anymore can be converted into these elegant racks or even be transformed into a shelf that can be installed in your bathroom. Amazing, isn’t it?
7. USED car Tires to chairs

We all probably discard the tires that have been worn out. There is a way to completely transform these tires to a new cool chair. See for yourself!

Here you go, we present to you the cool chair made from tires. You can make one for yourself too!
8. USED Teacups to candles

Teacups– They are are eye-catching and used to drink those delicious teas. But wait, what to do with the used cups lying around the closet?

There you go. Use these candles on special occasions and make that night memorable. See the video on how to make one!
So these were 8 Amazing Ideas for Up-cycling we had in our heads from a long time. Up-cycling is creative, it’s fun, it can be done with your group of friends on the weekend and it saves money too. It can be an engaging activity for kids while also teaching them values about using stuff instead of just throwing them away. Change starts from within, it starts from this moment onwards and it’s better to start taking small steps today to bring a major change tomorrow. So let’s get right into up-cycling today!
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These are the best upcycling ideas I have ever seen and You reuse those things which I have never imagined.🤜🤛
Thanks for your blog, nice to read. Do not stop.